Impossible, just a state of mind.

James W. Sims IV
3 min readMay 23, 2021

Impossible… What exactly does impossible mean? Webster’s dictionary has it listed, Adjective: Incapable of being or occurring: Extremely undesirable: UNACCEPTABLE.

Over the course of my life, there have been many impossible tasks. It turns out that “Impossible” is a frame of mind.

My 55th birthday was a few days ago, and at one point, I would have said impossible.

Yet here I am. Embarking on what might seem an impossible journey into “The writer’s life”.

Thing is I have been here before. We all have when you look back at the history of you.

Sitting here thinking back on all the impossible situations, projects, and jobs that actually were not impossible because I am still here to write this blog, the project was finished, and I got the job done. It’s impossible until it’s done. Impossible is a frame of mind.

I will talk a little about the impossible situation I am going through arthritis, Osteo Arthritis to be specific. It has been eating at my body since I was a kid. My very athletic childhood and active and hardworking lifestyle all seem to be contributing factors. Truth is I was at work, Watson Furniture Group when the Arthritis manifested in the worst ways.

My right knee went bone on bone in 2014. I was always in pain, limped walking everywhere, and one day at work on my way to use the restroom I found myself getting up from the ground after my knee gave out. I was stunned and worse; it was right in front of my boss.

I soon found out that basically, my knee was gone. That was just a warning of what was to come. For my 50th birthday and Thanksgiving 2015, I got a new knee. Should have been the end of that and been back working by February of 2016, and I was fired in March. That is because I did not get better. I was getting much worse and had no clue just how much worse until I went to a Neurologist.

That was when I learned what Myelopathy is. That is what I was diagnosed with.

Webster’s definition of a disease or disorder of the spinal cord or Bone marrow. Well, for me, it was the spinal cord. Caused irreversible nerve damage to hands, legs and feet.

On top of that my marriage was falling apart, and everything I knew about living and providing for was not applicable anymore. An impossible situation I at that time saw no way to make better. My family and I were in a bad way. It gets worse, and I take my daughter and leave the marriage, and I go into a deep depression, not seeing any way out of the free fall down into darkness my life had taken. Every facet of life felt impossible.

With some professional help and a little help from my friends, I have clawed my way out of the muck and mire of the darkness I had created in my head.

I am super thankful to all the people that supported me through a tough time of my life and made the impossible, possible. For the last two years, I have been living a nomadic RV life travelling and using Thousand trails campground system to see the West Coast and get a grip on life, and I was now without purpose or direction. My way of thinking was turning back to not being able to work. Still was thinking the physical limitations make using any marketable skills I once had not an option. Impossible…

I have learned impossible is just a frame of mind. Thinking outside the box, getting out of my comfort zone, has shown me a path. I have always liked writing, came across a writing course and started it. I have found my third career. Copywriting to be specific.

I am James Sims. Aspiring writer and student of life.



James W. Sims IV

Hello, I am James, a Native-born Prune picker. I did not settle for just that country. At 23, I left with a backpack, 200.00, for an adventure.